Thursday, January 22, 2009

Musings on Hestia

Hestia--a domestic goddess just like me and millions of other stay at home moms. I was just talking to a friend this morning about how even though we have all of these modern conveniences like dishwashers, washers and dryers, microwaves, etc. we still always feel behind on housework. Of course we have tons more dishes, clothes, toys, and just plain stuff than people from even the 19th and early 20th century. I heard somewhere that Americans are the only ones who rent storage lockers. Foreigners find that such a foreign concept. Of course we all have too much stuff and even when I get donate or get rid of stuff, I still have to find a place to put it! I haven't caved to rent a storage unit yet; hopefully we'll convert our carport to a garage this year and that ought to take care of a lot of our storage/clutter problems.

With four kids there's always practices, lessons, homework, diapers, Scouts, and other activities. Realistically I can't expect a perfect house but I do hope to get more organzied this year. My sister loves and tries to incorporate a lot of her ideas and routines into her day. I just need to break the overwhelming (like laundry and toys) into more manageable chunks.

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